How do I get the UDAI Code, EPP Key or Auth Code for my domain name? Print

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To obtain either your UDAI Code, EPP Key or Auth Code for your domain name, first login to your Client Area.

Click on Domains, and then My Domains.

All your domain names are listed.

Next, select the domain name.

The selected domain's Overview page will be displayed.

Now, click on Get EPP Code.

This page will display the domain's EPP Code.

Because Authorisation Codes for New Zealand domain names expire after 30 days, if you see the message "Password has not yet been requested from registry" you will need to Open a Support Ticket and request a new code be generated.

After requesting a new Authorisation Code from the registry, the new code will be displayed on this page for 30 days from the date of its generation.

It is important to keep your domain WHOIS contact information up-to-date at all times to avoid losing control of your domain.

We aim to generate all UDAI Code, EPP Key or Auth Code requests within 48-hours if it is within our advertised business hours of 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday. If we do not respond to your support ticket within this time, you could contact our Registrar: Domain Name Recovery (Note: Contacting our Registrar directly should be in case of emergency only).

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